wiring plug wigan !

photo wiganround 3 of the championship took us to wigan at the end of may

we tested on Friday and Saturday and had good pace, the weather was not forecast to be great and it rained on sunday morning

heat one we started p5 and swiftly took the lead, just pulled a small gap and with 2 laps to go the engine died ! disaster the multiplug on the back of the engine had come loose, quick thinking by matty he checked the plugs and got going again dropped to 19th losing 14 valuable points

heat 2 we started p 21 and had a great race moving up to p 6 by the end

heat 3 we started p 15 and finished

this gave matty p7 for the final, a dreadfull start saw him drop to 13th and a hard fought race got back  up to come p7

we lost the lead of the championship by 11 points !!!